Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cianna's revalations

Cianna is developing a great relationship with God and is learning that when someone is not nice she should pray for them. This weekend Justin said that he didn't want to go to church anymore, this has been pretty new to him anyways, but I couldn't get an answer why. Maybe just adolescence and he'll change his mind next week. Cianna's response was: "Why is Justin giving up on God? God won't give up on Justin." She amazes me with her wisdom. I received a really nice compliment about her from her teacher at conferences. She is often so helpful to others in class. Last week, a group left their station a huge mess during reading workshops. Cianna went back there and cleaned the whole section up without being asked and she wasn't even in that group. Yesterday, there was a substitute teacher and she led the whole class in making a card for her teacher signed by everyone to leave for her when she got back telling her what a great teacher she is and how much they like her.

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